Hot borscht is generally more like stew than soup and is often served with dark bread. 热罗宋汤通常看起来更像炖菜而不是汤,而且常和黑面包一起搭配食用。
Dark steamed bread made of cornmeal wheat and flour with molasses and soda and milk or water. 由玉米粉、小麦粉、苏打、牛奶或水等成分蒸成的深色面包。
This is a dark beer with harmonious flavor of bread and aroma of caramel malt. 波罗的原始啤酒有独具的黑面包微苦味道和蕉糖麦芽香味。
Some people prefer the dark bread made from rye to the white bread made from wheat. 有些人喜欢黑麦做的黑面包,而不喜欢小麦做的白面包。
He pulled a small piece of dark bread from one pocket of his short jacket. 他从短上衣的一个口袋里掏出一小块黑面包。
And his assertion that whole-grain dark bread was preferable to bread made from refined white flour was later borne out by the twentieth-century discovery of vitamins. 他还断言,全麦黑面包比用精白面制作的面包要好,这一论断在20世纪维他命被发现以后得以证实。
Someone brought cold cuts, dark bread, and beer from the jeep. 有人把吉普车上的冻肉,黑面包和啤酒送上来。